Essential mobile developer skills

Another fresh post on the IBM Mobile Business Insights blog:

Fresh post on Mobile Business Insights blog

My first article is published on the new blog for IBM Mobile. Please check it out, and feel free to comment! Thanks.

Social signals for the enterprise mobile app developer

IBM Center for Applied Insights

Did you know that smoke signals are one of the oldest forms of long-distance communication?  What’s interesting about them is that their meaning was not universally known or understood.  If a threat was nearby, the sender didn’t want the message overheard by anyone other than the intended receiver, so Native Americans and the early Chinese predetermined what the puffs meant, and this was understood only by their group.

Interpreting what’s being said across social networks can be just as mysterious, since people communicate in so many ways and enterprises may have their own interpretations of the chatter.

Beginning this week, the IBM Center for Applied Insights will be publishing an ongoing series of posts, called Social Signals, sharing social conversation patterns we’re seeing on various topics. As we deliver these signals, the “puffs of smoke” and what they could mean to your business, we encourage you to participate by sending…

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My recent trip to Egypt…

…was awesome. I wrote about it here –

And the Oscar Goes to . . . IBM

This is news!


It seems as if just a few years ago I actually used to get excited about the big night. The big night that was last night, the 87th Academy Awards. I used to watch with friends, with family. I even went to an awards party once.

In the past I even saw the movies that won — before they won.

And I think that’s how some of us have been feeling lately about industry standard performance benchmarks. Remember the good old days of leapfrogging? Of vicious ads and blogs? Of fights over TPC-C?

But recently I was super impressed with a brand new IBM publish last week of the SPECjEnterprise2010 benchmark. SPECjEnterprise2010 emulates an automobile dealership, manufacturing, supply chain management and order/inventory system and was designed to stress the Java EE application server. It’s an excellent measure of middleware.

The new IBM result running WebSphere and DB2 was the best…

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Fresh post on IBM Mobile blog…

…and I wrote it!

Infographic: WAS on Cloud

Battlefield 4 + Epic Win * Fun = IBM Cloud technology IBM Softlayer

Battlefield 4 + Epic Win * Fun = IBM Cloud technology IBM Softlayer.

IBM Integration Bus Patterns

Brace yourselves, IBM Impact 2014 is coming

While I’m not able to attend IBM Impact this year, I am working on a lot of things to make it an awesome experience for you (if you attend Impact). My colleagues and I in WebSphere Education contributed dozens of lab exercises to the curriculum that will be available in the Open Lab center at Impact. I wrote an article about that here.

We also tested the lab exercises that are offered as scheduled lab sessions. I tested some of the labs on mobile technologies myself, and wrote an article about that here
Another cool thing that you can do at Impact is get certified on any one of hundreds of IBM products and technologies. Being certified in some of these technologies ourselves, my colleagues and I can tell you what you need to do to get certified at Impact: